Once upon a time, I wrote about sexy web things for a living. Back in January of 2012, interest in Pinterest (couldn’t resist) as a tool for brands was hotting up – and I wrote this piece about the demographics behind its UK users. Back then, there were marginally more more male than female pinners over here – with an estimated 200,000 of us Brits joining in the fun.
Of course, I signed up myself; first for research, then for experimentation (I set up the collaborative We hearts nails board with some of my friends and it’s still one of my most followed/repinned) – then things snowballed and I continued for the sheer fun of it.

Since then, Pinterest has come on leaps and bounds. And after building a very passionate community of pinners organically in the UK – the company is now officially launching here in the same way it did in the US, by getting 300 passionate bloggers to talk about why they love the site over the next 30 days. I’m super excited to be part of its journey, and as day two of #pinitforwarduk, this is my post for the day.
From planning travel advertures to drooling over sexy neon installations – like my personal favourite board below ‘I dream in neon‘ – I find a strange sense of calm in collecting and organising things I love in one place.

Like every good ‘pass it forward’ campaign should, my job is also to introduce tomorrow’s blogger – Kate Wyver, whose beautiful blog Style Is Always Fashionable is like a micro Pinterest site all to itself! She’s studying for her A-levels at the moment, looks like she loves Friends as much as me – and owns a Canon 1100D called Bernard.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about with all this Pinterest malarky, it’s really simple and the best thing to do is sign up to try it for yourself. Make sure you pop by and say hello from time to time