Young women in comms; do we really know what they want?

(Originally posted to LinkedIn)

When I went to SXSW this year, I said that I was impressed with the increased representation of female attendees and speakers. In fact, three out of the five keynotes were by women.

However, the majority of speakers were in senior roles, and while having them talk about getting more women in technology, digital and comms was great for raising awareness, we didn’t really get a chance to hear from those at the beginning of their careers.

Having mentioned this in my wrap up, I was contacted by the organisers of Social Media Week London to curate a panel on just that.

I’m pretty excited, since it means that we’ll not only be able to present a new perspective on the issue, but also ask them about their own experiences.

Are the challenges we think they face the ones they really worry about? What do they really need our help with? Are the things they enjoy most the things employers give them the opportunity to do? And how can brands and agencies retain and evolve young female talent?

As such, I’m opening up a call for recommendations to join me on the panel (which will hopefully be on September 16th at some point). I’ll moderate but keep largely quiet, and would like to find four young women with 2-3 years of experience, at the start of their careers.

Ideally I’d like to have a broad representation of industries as well; so am open to suggestions from PR, Advertising, Media and Digital backgrounds.

Please let me know in the comments below, or via