By vikkichowney on April 4, 2009
1. Thoughts on the communique with Anthony Painter G20 Voice: Thoughts on the communique with Anthony Painter 2. The day after G20 Voice: the day after
Posted in Charity/NGO, Events |
By vikkichowney on April 2, 2009
1. Settling in G20 Voice: settling in 2. Douglas Alexander, Bob Geldof and Jon Snow G20 Voice: Douglas Alexander, Bob Geldof and Jon Snow 3. Ed Miliband & climate change G20 Voice: Ed Miliband
Posted in Charity/NGO, Events |
By vikkichowney on April 1, 2009
Today has been amazing and, having just put the the finishing touches on my first G20Voice post for BitchBuzz, I thought now would be a good time to share some of those thoughts with you – This morning, at around 8.30am, a bus full of bloggers headed across sunny London for a day of discussion […]
Posted in Charity/NGO, Events |